Tanka Tuesday….

This morning’s tanka came about by accident. I was listening to my New Age station early one morning when the notes of a song had me stop what I was doing to see what the title was…..BRIGHT SILENCE, QUIET LIGHT by Michael Stribling.

I immediately wrote down those words, knowing I could use them……..


Soul strolling along

The silence, bright as the sun

Shines down upon me

And the quiet of the light

Wraps me in its hushed embrace 


Rainy Day and Monday Musing…

There. Will. Be. Days. Like. This. 🙃

You know the ones. When you can’t seem to stop dropping things, or you keep bumping into that dang table every time you walk by it.

And the worse of the worse, spill your coffee!!!! YIKES! 😱

But, regardless of what kind of day it is, I keep on moving forward. I pick up that which I’ve dropped. I make sure to give the table all the room it needs……and I wipe up the spilled coffee (no crying over spilt coffee!) and pour myself another ☕️

….and as I move forward throughout my day, I’ll be grateful I have those things to drop. That I have a table to place each meal on…..and I’ve got my favorite 2 lb..bag of 8 O’clock Coffee to make another pot!!!

…..then head outside when the rain subsides ✌️