I’m A Gal Of Many Hats! 🎩

“Some hats can only be worn if you’re willing to be jaunty, to set them at an angle and to walk beneath them with a spring in your stride as if you’re only a step away from dancing. They demand a lot of you.” ~Neil Gaiman~

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Hats This week’s topic is Hats. Hats or caps are the topic for this week have fun with it. You can photo a single hat, lots of hats in a stack or display, a hat on a head or doll. Be creative. Feel free to dig around in your archives for photos if you don’t have anything new you can photograph. Most of all I hope you have fun.

Ok…..I’m a hat junkie…so I was excited to see this weeks fun challenge…and as I’m a selfie addict as well…I had fun making up this little collage!!!


8 thoughts on “I’m A Gal Of Many Hats! 🎩

  1. This was a great one for you! Like the cowgirl hat best. 😀 That Neil Gaiman has your name written all over it! I can SO see you as Fred Astaire! (Ginger didn’t wear a hat… Just spikey heels. You like them, too?)

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