I Am Light ☀️

Week 2 of the 21-Day Meditation Experience has begun. My morning Soul Stroll was a precursor for my meditation. The song of the sea was my background music. The sand, my cushion. I Love the word Light ☀️ As well as Recovery, Renewal, Reconnect. Those ‘RE’ words really pack some punch! 👊


Day 8-Centering Thought


Day 8 – Making Lightness the New You

“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.” ~Deborah Day~

The burdens we carry around with us have become part of our attitudes, habits, beliefs, and behaviors, but they are not permanent. Habits are the outcome of old decisions and they can be changed only through new decisions and choices.

In today’s meditation, we discover that the most important decision we can make is to embrace the possibility of our true self. When we let higher intelligence do the work, getting rid of burdens isn’t a burden.

My Treasured Moments 🙏

Today is the start of Week 3 of Photography101. Day 16’s assignment is to photograph, up close, what we construed as treasure in our lives. For me, it’s all about Moments. (first and foremost, its moments with my loved ones). But, I wanted to get out and photograph Today’s Treasured Moments, up close and personal…..while on my morning Soul Stroll.

Thankfully, Mother Nature co-operated. The fog burnt off, rain stopped and the clouds even parted to let the sun shine through a bit…..


favorite coffee cup, favorite place

whelk treasure






spiral treasure


“The solitude of my morning soul strolls are Treasured Moments for me. The riches I receive from these special moments, as well as in these little ‘gifts from the sea’, make me a rich woman.” 

This place, this moment, My POV, My Treasure


Finding My Balance 

My first week of the 21-Day Meditation Experience has been a full-filling and nourishing one…reminding me of the connectedness of mind, body and spirit as well as the importance of shedding all that is toxic, negative, and unhealthy, and nourishing myself with the positive, the good, the real.

Day 7-Centering Thought

Day 7 – Total Balance Is Natural Balance

“The road to health for everyone is through moderation, harmony, and a sound mind in a sound body.” ― Jostein Gaarder

In these first few days together, we have realized we lighten our burdens by coming into balance. But even if we understand that balance is desirable, it will elude us if we approach balance with different parts of our life separately.

Because all the pieces are interconnected, it’s better to “shed the weight” by looking at the whole mind-body system. Our aim is total balance. You can’t achieve this by struggle, effort, discipline, worry, or fighting with yourself. Total balance is achievable by going to a place of total balance – your true self. In meditation, you find your true self, and as you continue the practice, you identify with it more and more. 

In time, you discover that you were whole all along.

Saturday Serenade 🎤 William Ackerman 🎸

For today’s installment of SS…over the last few days Ive been listening to the music of William Ackerman and thought I’d share ☮🕉

William Ackerman (born 1949)[1] is an American guitarist and composer of acoustic-based instrumental music. He founded and ran for many years the influential New Age record label Windham Hill Records. {source}

The Moment

Creeks & Cascades

Conferring With The Moon