I Am Light ☀️

Week 2 of the 21-Day Meditation Experience has begun. My morning Soul Stroll was a precursor for my meditation. The song of the sea was my background music. The sand, my cushion. I Love the word Light ☀️ As well as Recovery, Renewal, Reconnect. Those ‘RE’ words really pack some punch! 👊


Day 8-Centering Thought


Day 8 – Making Lightness the New You

“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.” ~Deborah Day~

The burdens we carry around with us have become part of our attitudes, habits, beliefs, and behaviors, but they are not permanent. Habits are the outcome of old decisions and they can be changed only through new decisions and choices.

In today’s meditation, we discover that the most important decision we can make is to embrace the possibility of our true self. When we let higher intelligence do the work, getting rid of burdens isn’t a burden.

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