Daily Prompt……Today Was A Good Day

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Today Was a Good Day.”

I have so many, and can go in so many directions with this prompt. I decided to share the day I was able to cross horse back riding on the beach off my bucket list. Now, my ride wasn’t a beautiful, warm summer day….I went on a beautiful, crisp, cold day in December. I had the chance to ride on ‘our’ beach with some of the saltwater Cowboys,,,,,,pretty darn good for a gal who grew up loving horses from NJ.

“When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes. ”
~William Shakespeare, Henry V~

Getting ready to live a dream!

Getting ready to live a dream!

So, here I am with Dixie, my riding partner. She’s a pretty little paint.

This little lady was vey patient with me. She made me look good!!

This little lady was vey patient with me. She made me look good!!

Now, you can’t tell I was shaking in my boots. The last time I sat/rode a horse, I was 18!!!

image image

Here I am with John, Dixie’s owner and a 100% Teager Saltwater Cowboy!!

...and we're off!!! There is nothing like this view!!

…and we’re off!!! There is nothing like this view!!

It really was a beautiful day!

It really was a beautiful day!

...my shadow, as close to a selfie as I could get. No cell phone,,,just a small camera!

…my shadow, as close to a selfie as I could get. No cell phone,,,just a small camera!

The best part…The entire 3 hour ride. Yes folks,,my tender butt was in the saddle for 3 hours!!! We trotted, we walked in the surf and I was in complete heaven!! It was a Great Day!!!!!!

Thank you Dixie for being a part of making this gals dream come true!

Thank you Dixie for being a part of making this gals dream come true!

“In riding a horse, we borrow freedom”
~Helen Thompson~

BTW…I attempted to insert a Mesh Gallery and couldn’t figure it out…may take another pot of coffee!!!

8 thoughts on “Daily Prompt……Today Was A Good Day

  1. I love this. I took my horse to the beach last December and it was definitely up in there in my top 10 experiences. So surreal as I was looking out over Ocean with pelicans swooping a fishing boat to my right and lighthouse to my left sitting astride my pony. So beautiful.

  2. Since I met his lordship who grew up riding, I have often felt like I missed out on something by not getting to KNOW a horse. Listening to him talk about how loyal horses are made me wonder what it would be like to be “friends” with one. That’s why my Calen character’s story has a big white stallion she has bonded with (his name is Elenúr, which means Star Fire in Elvish). What a wondrous thing to be able to pair two such things that you love. Loved the pictures. Looked plenty chilly!

  3. Pingback: Perfect Day on the Fringe | litadoolan

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