Seeing Double 😳

Today’s challenge over at Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge is a two-fer!!!

My first photo is double blazes 🐴


Next up….my daughter and daughter-in-law….belly cousins! Double Baby Bumps! 💗💙

Next….why did the ducks cross the road?!?

And lastly…..2 dollars!! $$

32 thoughts on “Seeing Double 😳

  1. I loved this post, Linda! Each picture was such a surprise, even with the preceding sentence.

  2. Pingback: Cee-BW-Challenge-Two-of-Anything – WoollyMuses

  3. Wonderful pictures, Linda! I LOVE sand dollars! I have one that I made into a necklace.
    WOW @ double baby bumps! Are they due near the same date?
    The ducks made me think of a time when we were driving home from somewhere in town, and there was a line of ducks waddling across the road! It was SO cool. I’ve also seen the same with wild turkeys 🙂
    And your double blazes are beautiful!
    I LOVE your spring header too!

  4. Oh, nice! I like the matching colors and it’s such a soothing hue. I might have to go looking for another theme so I can try something like that. I chose this new one for myself because of the pastel sense, but there’s no header pic op, I don’t think.

  5. I just noted down which theme it is. Now I want to go window shopping for a spring pic for the header. I like the idea of seasonal headers. One of the problems I had with the one before what I had now was that it took a really long time for the blog to load for me. So maybe this one will be better.

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