Embracing Change In 2016

I’m not into New Years Resolutions….but I am into Change (my word for the year Chris…Journaling Journey)


I will continue to ride the winds of change. I look foreward to the transformation 2016 will bring. With these transformations, comes an awakening of Spirit. This will open the portals for me to continue to move forward mentally, physically and emotionally.

So, what kind of changes do I foresee for me, myself and I in 2016?!?

  • I will stop procrastinating. Now is the time to take flight. Taking a chance, a risk, is better than waking up one day saying “if only I had”.
  • I will stop doubting myself and standing in my own way. I will start Believing in myself and my capabilities.
  • I will be a friend to myself.
  • Longer Soul Strolls (a must for my Spiritual growth)
  • Pulling up my bootstraps and getting back on the getting fit and healthy band wagon (it’s time!)
  • A promise to myself to ‘listen’ to what my body, my spirit are trying to tell me.

Well, you get the gist of it. It’s a good start.

I also want to take this opportunity to say Happy New Year and Thank You, to all of you, my WP friends/family. The last 5-6 months has been an amazing journey through blog land. Because of  y’all, this experience has turned into an incredible ride and eye opening adventure.

It would be remiss of me to not include a special shout out to Lady Calen (Impromptu Promptlings). Your friendship, your support, and encouragement have been a guiding force on this journey of mine. I’m forever grateful.


(Photos via Pinterest)

21 thoughts on “Embracing Change In 2016

  1. Happy wonderful new year for 2016. I am actually going to steal your “soul strolls”. Since I don’t have resolutions, but have goals, soul strolls shall now be on the list of goals! I’m so happy to have met you this year! XOXOXO

  2. Beautiful post, my dear. I need to have more of your resolve. The feelings are very mutual you know. You came into my life at just the right time using the dragonfly and the sea as your calling card! I KNEW you were meant to be here! What a gift you have been! {{{Spiritual Dragonfly}}} And I believe you will do exactly what you set out to do! 😀

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