My Morning Musing ☀

Good Morning All……it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. Life has a way of getting in the way lately. I’m slowly turning this house into a home. I’m actually catching myself, while I’m out and about, thinking I can’t wait to get ‘home’ which I take as a good sign. 🏡

Slowly getting the place furnished as I help my daughter with her ‘stuff’. Last week she had surgery to remover her gallbladder so I was in nana and mommy duty…all this while they are trying to buy their own home 😬 Craziness…..though it’s keeping me busy. 

But, I’m finding myself restless to start picking up my pencil. Pick up my pen. Pick up a paintbrush.   I’m restless to write…restless to paint…….so this is my morning musing….

Wishing y’all a beautiful day…

Tree limbs


As the sky begins to lighten

Bird song erupts

Breaking the silence

As it announces 

Mornings arrival

Awakening my senses

As this new day unfurls….


13 thoughts on “My Morning Musing ☀

    • I need to replenish my paints (have started). I left what I had with
      I’m going to look into a free standing easel…to hot now to think of doing any outside painting..and right now I’m just concentrating on getting inside finished 😊

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